When cellular providers shut down networks, it’s not like an electrical blackout. They don’t flip a switch and shut everything down at the same time.

Providers have already begun to evaluate the locations of cell towers and the number of devices regularly relying on each tower, and they have also begun shutting down towers in low-use areas.

  • The 3G network is being shut down.

  • This is happening in order to invest more resources into the faster and more reliable 4G, 5G, and LTE networks.

  • Any 3G devices — from cell phones to GPS trackers — will stop working.


What does that mean for you?

Well that depends on where you live.

For much of the country, those who still have a 3G device have already noticed a significant decrease in service availability. Some areas have stopped supporting 3G completely, while others have drastically reduced the number of towers, which means more devices connecting to the same tower.


Effects of 3G degradation

Simply put: no cell tower, no data. Here’s a reminder of how this process works.

The key items at work include GPS satellites, tracking devices in vehicles or equipment, and cellular towers. If the cellular tower goes away, there is no way for the stored data to make it to the Linxup portal. It simply stops working — and you get stuck without any information.

Wondering if your data is at risk? We’ve been reaching out to customers with 3G devices to ensure they make the switch before the shutdown hits their area. If you’ve received notice about upgrading and are putting it off, consider the risks of procrastination.

Want to know more about current solutions available to you today? Reach out to us, click here on your phone or dial: 1-877-907-0801.

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