With 360 visibility, fleet-based enterprises can protect their fleet and their workers, proactively reduce the likelihood of accidents, optimize delivery routes and equipment usage, and establish highly efficient maintenance, inspection, and operation workflows that save time, money, and headaches.

A Revolution in Fleet Management

For fleet-based field service companies, every minute, every dollar, and every decision is vital to success. From lost or stolen vehicles to improper equipment use to inefficient delivery and service routes, there are a seemingly endless number of challenges that fleet-based businesses face in their daily operations.

Establishing an efficient and effective fleet management solution is crucial for achieving profitability in today’s landscape. Merely tracking your equipment or retrospectively examining errors and inefficiencies to identify mistakes and find possible solutions falls short. Today’s fleet-based businesses require full 360 visibility into the past, present, and future of their assets’ performance.

A Glimpse into 360 Visibility

Having a birds-eye 360 view of fleet operations allows fleet leaders to move from reactionary fixes to proactive solutions that cement long-term growth. Achieving this means utilizing business intelligence tools that transform raw data into actionable insights before a problem arises.

Why is this important? Consider the following: overly fast or aggressive driving has been shown to reduce gas mileage by roughly 15% to 30% at highway speeds and 10% to 40% in stop-and-go traffic. Idling for just 30 seconds uses more fuel than restarting an engine and leaves fuel residue that damages engine components.

Knowing these statistics and understanding how to approach solving the problems they represent are two different things. A reactionary approach would mean repeatedly identifying high fuel costs among various drivers or vehicles within your fleet. A proactive solution, however, like tracking aggressive driving among your team and implementing a solution to reduce excessive idling could help you eliminate the problem altogether and lower fuel costs by 20%.

Embracing modern technology and innovative solutions has the power to help fleet-based field service companies identify fixes to problems before they arise, instead of footing the bill for an unexpected expense down the road.

Learn more by downloading our white paper on 360 Visibility: Improving Operational Efficiency and Profitability for Fleet-Based Businesses

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